Pet Insurance: What Must I Know Before Buying It?

Pet Insurance has become even more important these days as the cost of pet treatments is continuously rising in the UAE. It is heartbreaking when a family hears that their furry member has been diagnosed with a serious illness or has got seriously injured during an accident. When it comes to veterinary care for serious illness or injury, it can cost pet owners a fortune. If you also have one or more pets, then pet insurance is something you must think about and explore various options to find the best pet insurance in the UAE for your pet.
Which pet insurance can I find in the UAE?
Though options for pet insurance are not as wide-ranging as options for other types of insurance, you can find many great options for pet insurance in the UAE. For now, pet insurance is available in the UAE for the two most popular pets: dogs and cats. Buying a pet insurance policy is a smart decision to protect your furry friends from unforeseen medical illnesses and injuries.
Some of the best pet insurance options in the UAE include:
- Tokio Marine
- Fidelity United
- Alliance Insurance
What is included in a pet insurance policy in the UAE?
While pet insurance policies from different insurance providers can vary in terms of premiums, coverage, and other factors, a UAE pet insurance policy generally includes:
- Coverage for dogs and cats only
- Coverage for veterinary fees
- Third-party liability
- Cost of advertising and rewards for lost or stolen pets
- Cremation or Euthanasia costs of pet resulting from injury and illness
Some pet insurance policies such as Alliance Insurance and Fidelity United also cover the cost of alternative therapy.
What is not covered by pet insurance in the UAE?
While your pet insurance will provide protection against a long list of unforeseen injuries, illnesses, and medical expenses, pet insurance usually doesn’t cover the following:
- Pre-existing illnesses and injuries
- Routine care and checkups, such as vaccination, neutering, etc.
- Medications without prescription
- Diet supplements
- Costs associated with breeding, pregnancy, or giving birth
- Any complications arise due to breeding, pregnancy, or giving birth
- Vet fees associated with non-essential tests, treatment, and diagnostic procedures
- Second opinions from specialists
- Dental treatment
- Cost of grooming
Is my pet eligible for pet insurance?
The conditions of eligibility can vary from one pet insurance policy to another. To be eligible for pet insurance, your pet should be:
- A dog or cat
- In good health
- Microchipped
- Tagged
- Licensed
- Free from illness and injury
There is also an age restriction for pet insurance. For instance, Alliance Insurance doesn’t offer new policies for dogs under age 3 months or over 8 years and cats under age 3 months or over 9 years.
Do I need to pay after having pet insurance if my pet is sick?
Yes. A typical pet insurance policy requires you to pay the co-insurance amount or excess amount as stated in your policy. Besides, you will be paying for any treatment, test, or surgery that your pet insurance policy does not cover.
Can I get pet insurance as an add-on?
Yes. For eg: Tokio Marine offers pet insurance as an add-on to your home insurance policy. Its home insurance policy features accidental damage cover, loss of rent, fatal injury, third-party liability, personal possessions, and medical coverage for pets.
Do you want to find an affordable pet insurance in the UAE for your pet? At New Age Insurance Brokers, our world-class insurance experts and advisors can help you determine your specific needs and find the most suitable pet insurance for you. For any queries or further information on pet insurance in the UAE, please connect with us at +971 4 3573378 or write to us at