Jumbo Insurance


Are you looking for complete and flexible financial coverage through a life insurance policy? Jumbo Life Insurance or Universal Life Insurance is a life insurance policy with a high initial premium and then a high pay-out to meet all the financial needs and objectives of high-net-worth Individuals. In general, a Jumbo insurance policy is more than an insurance policy and not less than any investment plan with high returns and annually guaranteed interest to the policyholders.

At New Age Insurance Brokers, we help high-net-worth individuals get a Jumbo Life Insurance in Dubai that also works as a part of their global wealth structuring and estate planning. As a life insurance coverage, the Jumbo insurance policy pays very high death coverage in case of the policyholder’s untimely death. So, when you are looking for an insurance-cum-investment plan with cash-value along with the high death coverage and annual interest benefits, a jumbo insurance policy is the right choice if you are a high-net-worth individual.

A Jumbo life insurance policy is designed as a wealth management strategy for estate planning and wealth distribution with a face value of $1-150 million. Not only it provides lifelong life insurance cover to the policyholder and his family but also is a high-yielding investment opportunity with annual returns on the premiums invested. It is the right choice for individuals with a net worth of US$ 5 Million & above (assets – liabilities).

Advantages of Jumbo Insurance Policy

  • Lifelong protection and coverage
  • Flexible premium choices
  • Cash value investment opportunity
  • Minimum ‘guaranteed annual returns’ for life on premiums invested
  • Whole of life cover and high death coverage
  • Cash value grows with portfolio performance
  • Can be arranged with bank finance

Jumbo life insurance returns very high death coverage, which is often over 300% of the premium paid, due to the high insurance amount. In terms of wealth management, it can be extremely valuable when you plan your policy well ahead in your life.

Consult with one of our dedicated insurance brokers and life insurance policy experts

In some cases, a Jumbo insurance policy is usually underwritten by more than one insurance company to minimize the risk factor. At New Age Insurance Broker, we can help you get a tailor-made Jumbo Life Insurance in Dubai that suits your individual needs, circumstances, and financial goals. Contact us to speak with one of our insurance policy experts and broker to learn more about Jumbo insurance policies and how you could combine your life insurance coverage with an investment opportunity that guarantees an interest rate of return over the term of the policy. Give us a call for a free consultation.